Saturday, August 11, 2012

This is a HOT article about cultural differences and education.  No matter what your opinion about this topic is, you will be emotionally moved.  Having taught in an inner city school in Houston for ten years and now ten years in rural northern Michigan, I find many of the comments in this article to be racist and narrow minded.  What do you think?  Go to the article and make a comment.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Here is an excellent video made by Will Richardson (our textbook author) about the state of education in our country, the changes that need to be made, and the mistake of basing success on test scores:

Digital Textbooks

This article, by Charlie Osborne with CNET,  is about a company call Kno that is teaming up with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to offer digital textbooks for $9.99.  The K-12 state specific books available through the app come with interactive features including automatic flash cards of key terms, a journal of student's notes, and links to relevant academic material including video.  Sounds like a great idea.  It's too bad that schools cannot pick up the tab.  I wonder how many lower socio-economic families will be willing or able to spend the $60.00 so their children won't have to lug a backpack filled with heavy books to school and back home.    

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blended Learning

Here is a link to a very recent (posted 7/16/2012) blog by C. M. Rubin.  She interviews two representatives from the Innosight Institute about blended learning.  They describe the term "blended learning" and its four different models.  The flex model seems intriguing.  Each student has his/her own "office" space (like a big business office full of cubicles) with his/her own computer and takes online classes.  There are break out rooms around the perimeter of the building where teachers can pull out small groups.  Supposedly, students become self-motivated to reach their goals.  The Innosight people say that the beauty of this system is that computers are able to do what computers do well.  Humans are freed up to do what humans do best.  Check out the link and let me know what you think.